title: ‘FluxBeam Integration’ description: ‘Learn how to create and manage liquidity pools with FluxBeam’

Solana Agent Kit provides integration with FluxBeam for creating and managing liquidity pools. The integration supports creating new pools with any pair of tokens, including native SOL and SPL tokens.

Key Features

  • Create new liquidity pools
  • Support for native SOL and SPL tokens
  • Automatic decimal handling
  • LangChain tool integration
  • Built-in slippage protection

Basic Usage

Creating a New Pool

import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

const signature = await agent.fluxbeamCreatePool(
  new PublicKey("So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112"), // SOL
  1.5, // 1.5 SOL
  new PublicKey("EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v"), // USDC
  10, // 10 USDC

Input Parameters

Pool Creation Parameters

interface CreatePoolParams {
  token_a: PublicKey;      // First token mint address
  token_a_amount: number;   // Amount of first token
  token_b: PublicKey;      // Second token mint address
  token_b_amount: number;   // Amount of second token

LangChain Integration

Solana Agent Kit provides a LangChain tool for pool creation:

Create Pool Tool

import { SolanaFluxbeamCreatePoolTool } from 'solana-agent-kit';

const createPoolTool = new SolanaFluxbeamCreatePoolTool(agent);

// Tool input format (JSON string):
const input = JSON.stringify({
  token_a: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
  token_a_amount: 1.5,
  token_b: "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
  token_b_amount: 10

// Tool returns JSON response:
  status: "success",
  message: "Token pool created successfully",
  transaction: "signature...",
  token_a: "token_a_address",
  token_a_amount: 1.5,
  token_b: "token_b_address",
  token_b_amount: 10

Example Prompts

For LangChain AI tools, here are example prompts:

Creating Pools

"Create a new pool with 1.5 SOL and 10 USDC"
"Setup a liquidity pool using 100 USDC and 5 SOL"
"Create a new FluxBeam pool for SOL/USDC pair"

Error Handling

try {
  const signature = await agent.fluxbeamCreatePool(
} catch (error) {
  if (error.message.includes("insufficient funds")) {
    // Handle insufficient balance
  } else if (error.message.includes("invalid mint")) {
    // Handle invalid token address

API Details

FluxBeam API

  • Endpoint: /token_pools
  • Method: POST
  • Required fields: payer, token_a, token_b, token_a_amount, token_b_amount

Best Practices

  1. Token Amount Handling

    • Input amounts in human-readable format (e.g., 1.5 SOL, not 1500000000 lamports)
    • The integration automatically handles decimal conversion
    • Always verify token decimals before submission
  2. Token Address Validation

    • Use PublicKey class for token addresses
    • Verify token existence before pool creation
    • Handle native SOL cases appropriately
  3. Transaction Signing

    • Transactions are automatically signed by the agent
    • Uses VersionedTransaction for compatibility
    • Includes retry logic for better reliability
  4. Error Recovery

    • Implement proper error handling
    • Check for sufficient balances
    • Verify token approvals

Implementation Notes

  1. Decimal Handling

    // Example of how decimals are handled internally
    const scaledAmount = amount * Math.pow(10, decimals);
  2. Native SOL Support

    const isNativeSol = token.equals(TOKENS.SOL);
    const decimals = isNativeSol ? 9 : await getTokenDecimals(agent, token);
  3. Transaction Processing

    // Transaction is created, signed, and sent
    const transaction = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(TransactionBuf);
    const signature = await agent.connection.sendRawTransaction(
        maxRetries: 3,
        skipPreflight: true,

Common Use Cases

  1. Creating a SOL/USDC Pool

    const signature = await agent.fluxbeamCreatePool(
      1.5,    // 1.5 SOL
      10      // 10 USDC
  2. Creating a Custom Token Pool

    const signature = await agent.fluxbeamCreatePool(
      new PublicKey("custom_token_a"),
      new PublicKey("custom_token_b"),

Technical Details


const TOKENS = {
  SOL: new PublicKey("So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112"),
  USDC: new PublicKey("EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v")

Configuration Options

const TX_OPTIONS = {
  maxRetries: 3,
  skipPreflight: true