Solana Agent Kit provides integration with Meteora for creating two types of liquidity pools:

  1. DLMM (Dynamic Liquidity Market Maker) Pools
  2. Dynamic AMM (Automated Market Maker) Pools

Key Features

  • DLMM pool creation with configurable bin steps
  • Dynamic AMM pool creation with constant product formula
  • Customizable trading fees
  • Delayed activation support
  • Alpha vault integration
  • Price rounding options
  • LangChain tool integration

Pool Types

DLMM Pools

DLMM pools use a bin-based liquidity provision system with configurable price ranges.

const signature = await agent.meteoraCreateDlmmPool(
  tokenAMint,      // Token A mint address
  tokenBMint,      // Token B mint address
  20,              // Bin step
  0.25,            // Initial price (tokenA/tokenB)
  true,            // Price rounding up
  20,              // Fee in basis points (0.2%)
  1,               // Activation type (timestamp)
  false,           // Alpha vault support
  undefined        // Activation point

Dynamic AMM Pools

Dynamic AMM pools use a constant product formula with initial liquidity.

const signature = await agent.meteoraCreateDynamicPool(
  tokenAMint,           // Token A mint address
  tokenBMint,           // Token B mint address
  tokenAAmount,         // Token A amount
  tokenBAmount,         // Token B amount
  2500,                 // Trade fee numerator (2.5%)
  activationPoint,      // Optional activation point
  false,                // Alpha vault support
  1                     // Activation type (timestamp)

Configuration Options

DLMM Pool Parameters

interface DLMMPoolParams {
  tokenAMint: PublicKey;        // Token A mint address
  tokenBMint: PublicKey;        // Token B mint address
  binStep: number;              // Pool bin step
  initialPrice: number;         // Initial price ratio
  feeBps: number;              // Trading fee in basis points
  priceRoundingUp?: boolean;    // Price rounding direction
  activationType?: number;      // 0 for slot, 1 for timestamp
  activationPoint?: number;     // Activation point
  hasAlphaVault?: boolean;     // Alpha vault support

Dynamic Pool Parameters

interface DynamicPoolParams {
  tokenAMint: PublicKey;        // Token A mint address
  tokenBMint: PublicKey;        // Token B mint address
  tokenAAmount: number;         // Token A initial amount
  tokenBAmount: number;         // Token B initial amount
  tradeFeeNumerator: number;    // Trade fee numerator
  activationType?: number;      // 0 for slot, 1 for timestamp
  activationPoint?: number;     // Activation point
  hasAlphaVault?: boolean;     // Alpha vault support

LangChain Integration

Solana Agent Kit provides LangChain tools for both pool types:

DLMM Pool Creation Tool

import { SolanaMeteoraCreateDlmmPool } from 'solana-agent-kit';

const createDlmmPoolTool = new SolanaMeteoraCreateDlmmPool(agent);

// Tool input format (JSON string):
const input = JSON.stringify({
  tokenAMint: "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
  tokenBMint: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
  binStep: 20,
  initialPrice: 0.25,
  feeBps: 20,
  priceRoundingUp: true,
  activationType: 1,
  hasAlphaVault: false

Dynamic Pool Creation Tool

import { SolanaMeteoraCreateDynamicPool } from 'solana-agent-kit';

const createDynamicPoolTool = new SolanaMeteoraCreateDynamicPool(agent);

// Tool input format (JSON string):
const input = JSON.stringify({
  tokenAMint: "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
  tokenBMint: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
  tokenAAmount: 1000,
  tokenBAmount: 250,
  tradeFeeNumerator: 2500,
  activationType: 1,
  hasAlphaVault: false

Example Prompts

For LangChain AI tools, here are example prompts:

DLMM Pool Creation

"Create a DLMM pool for SOL/USDC with 0.2% fee"
"Setup a DLMM pool with 20 bin step and initial price of 0.25"

Dynamic Pool Creation

"Create a Dynamic pool with 1000 USDC and 4 SOL"
"Setup a Dynamic AMM pool with 2.5% trading fee"

Important Notes

  1. Bin Steps (DLMM)

    • Lower bin steps mean tighter price ranges
    • Common values: 10, 20, 50
    • Affects price precision and liquidity distribution
  2. Price Configuration

    • Initial price is in token A / token B ratio
    • Price rounding affects bin placement
    • Consider market prices when setting initial price
  3. Fee Structure

    • DLMM: fees in basis points (1 bp = 0.01%)
    • Dynamic: fee numerator with 100000 denominator
    • Consider market standards when setting fees
  4. Activation Types

    enum ActivationType {
      Slot = 0,
      Timestamp = 1

Best Practices

  1. Token Decimals

    // Always fetch and account for token decimals
    const tokenAInfo = await getMint(connection, tokenAMint);
    const tokenBInfo = await getMint(connection, tokenBMint);
    const decimalsA = tokenAInfo.decimals;
    const decimalsB = tokenBInfo.decimals;
  2. Price Calculation

    // Calculate price per lamport for DLMM
    const pricePerLamport = DLMM.getPricePerLamport(
  3. Amount Conversion

    // Convert human amounts to lamports
    const amountLamports = new BN(
      new Decimal(amount)
        .mul(10 ** decimals)

Error Handling

try {
  const signature = await agent.meteoraCreateDlmmPool(...);
} catch (error) {
  if (error.message.includes("invalid mint")) {
    // Handle invalid token addresses
  } else if (error.message.includes("insufficient balance")) {
    // Handle insufficient funds

Technical Details


const DECIMALS = {
  USDC: 6,
  SOL: 9

  TIGHT: 10,
  NORMAL: 20,
  WIDE: 50

Fee Calculations

const BPS_DENOMINATOR = 10000;          // For DLMM
const FEE_DENOMINATOR = 100000;         // For Dynamic AMM

// Example: 0.2% fee in DLMM
const feeBps = 20;  // 20/10000 = 0.2%

// Example: 2.5% fee in Dynamic AMM
const feeNumerator = 2500;  // 2500/100000 = 2.5%

SDK Dependencies

import DLMM from "@meteora-ag/dlmm";
import AmmImpl from "@mercurial-finance/dynamic-amm-sdk";