Solana Agent Kit provides comprehensive integration with deBridge’s DLN protocol for cross-chain token transfers. The integration supports creating, executing, and monitoring bridge transactions across multiple blockchain networks.

Key Features

  • Cross-chain token transfers
  • Transaction status monitoring
  • Support for multiple blockchain networks
  • Quote generation for bridge transactions
  • Token information retrieval
  • LangChain tool integration

Basic Usage

Creating a Bridge Order

const orderInput = {
  srcChainId: "1", // Ethereum
  srcChainTokenIn: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48", // USDC on Ethereum
  srcChainTokenInAmount: "1000000", // 1 USDC (6 decimals)
  dstChainId: "7565164", // Solana
  dstChainTokenOut: "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v", // USDC on Solana
  dstChainTokenOutRecipient: "Abws588GagNKeMViBPE2e1WjQ2jViDyw81ZRq8oMSx75",
  senderAddress: "Abws588GagNKeMViBPE2e1WjQ2jViDyw81ZRq8oMSx75",
  slippage: 0.5 // 0.5% slippage tolerance

const order = await agent.createDebridgeOrder(orderInput);

Executing a Bridge Order

const signature = await agent.executeDebridgeBridgeOrder(;

Checking Bridge Status

const status = await agent.checkDebridgeTransactionStatus(signature);

Getting Supported Chains

const chains = await agent.getDebridgeSupportedChains();

LangChain Integration

Solana Agent Kit provides LangChain tools for automated bridge operations:

Create Bridge Order Tool

import { CreateDebridgeOrderTool } from 'solana-agent-kit';

const createOrderTool = new CreateDebridgeOrderTool(agent);

// Tool input format (JSON string):
const input = JSON.stringify({
  srcChainId: "1",
  srcChainTokenIn: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
  srcChainTokenInAmount: "1000000",
  dstChainId: "7565164",
  dstChainTokenOut: "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
  dstChainTokenOutRecipient: "Abws588GagNKeMViBPE2e1WjQ2jViDyw81ZRq8oMSx75",
  senderAddress: "Abws588GagNKeMViBPE2e1WjQ2jViDyw81ZRq8oMSx75"

Execute Bridge Order Tool

import { ExecuteDebridgeOrderTool } from 'solana-agent-kit';

const executeOrderTool = new ExecuteDebridgeOrderTool(agent);

// Tool input format (JSON string):
const input = JSON.stringify({
  transactionData: "0x23b872dd..." // Hex-encoded transaction data from create_bridge_order

Check Bridge Status Tool

import { CheckDebridgeStatusTool } from 'solana-agent-kit';

const checkStatusTool = new CheckDebridgeStatusTool(agent);

// Tool input format (JSON string):
const input = JSON.stringify({
  txHashOrOrderId: "3Dq8kH5oeN..." // Transaction hash or order ID

Get Supported Chains Tool

import { GetDebridgeSupportedChainsTool } from 'solana-agent-kit';

const getSupportedChainsTool = new GetDebridgeSupportedChainsTool(agent);
// No input required

Example Prompts

For LangChain AI tools, here are example prompts:

Creating Orders

"Bridge 1000 USDC from Ethereum to Solana"
"Transfer 0.5 ETH from Ethereum to BSC"
"Send 100 USDT from Solana to Polygon"

Checking Status

"Check the status of my bridge transaction 0x1234..."
"What's the status of my recent bridge order?"

Chain Information

"Which chains are supported for bridging?"
"Show me the available networks for cross-chain transfers"

Important Parameters

Bridge Order Parameters

Required Parameters:

  • srcChainId: Source chain ID (e.g., “1” for Ethereum)
  • srcChainTokenIn: Token address on source chain
  • srcChainTokenInAmount: Amount to bridge (in smallest units)
  • dstChainId: Destination chain ID
  • dstChainTokenOut: Token address on destination chain
  • dstChainTokenOutRecipient: Recipient address
  • senderAddress: Sender’s address

Optional Parameters:

  • slippage: Slippage tolerance in percentage
  • referralCode: Referral code for the transaction
  • affiliateFeePercent: Affiliate fee percentage
  • prependOperatingExpenses: Include operating expenses in calculation

Error Handling

try {
  const order = await agent.createDebridgeOrder(orderInput);
} catch (error) {
  if (error.message.includes("insufficient funds")) {
    // Handle insufficient balance
  } else if (error.message.includes("slippage")) {
    // Handle price impact too high

Technical Details

Chain IDs

const CHAIN_IDS = {
  ETHEREUM: "1",
  BSC: "56",
  POLYGON: "137",
  SOLANA: "7565164"

Transaction Status

type TransactionStatus = {
  orderId: string;
  status: "pending" | "completed" | "failed";
  orderLink: string; // Link to deBridge explorer

API Endpoints

const DEBRIDGE_API = "";

Best Practices

  1. Slippage Protection

    • Always set a reasonable slippage tolerance
    • Default is 0.5% if not specified
    • Consider market volatility when setting slippage
  2. Transaction Monitoring

    • Always monitor transaction status after creation
    • Use order links for detailed tracking
    • Keep track of order IDs for future reference
  3. Error Recovery

    • Handle network-specific errors appropriately
    • Implement retry logic for failed transactions
    • Store transaction details for manual resolution if needed
  4. Token Addresses

    • Use checksummed addresses for EVM chains
    • Use base58 encoded addresses for Solana
    • Verify token decimals before setting amounts